Threader (alias Cream) is a tool that implements Owicki-Gries and Rely-guarantee methods for the compositional verification of multi-threaded programs. Our tool computes the requisite auxiliary assertions automatically using an abstraction and refinement procedure. Our procedure is based on a Horn clause encoding of refinement queries and facilitates the discovery of thread-modular proofs when such proofs exist.[PDF]
Download Threader (x86-32 Linux)--threads THREAD:..:THREAD | list of function names separated by ':' |
--algorithm:monolithic | monolithic verification of safety |
--algorithm:owicki-gries | Owicki-Gries verification of safety |
--algorithm:rely-guarantee | rely-guarantee verification of safety (this is the default) |
--algorithm:termination | rely-guarantee verification of termination |
--data-abstraction-for-environment:on/off | (on is the default) |
--pc-abstraction-for-environment:on/off | (on is the default) |
--warrant-modular:on/off | (on is the default) |
--help | prints available options |
int t1=0, t2=0; // N natural-number tickets int x; // variable to test mutual exclusion void thr1() { while (1) { t1 = t2 + 1; while( t1 >= t2 && ( t2 > 0 ) ) {}; x=0; assert(x <= 0); t1 = 0; } } void thr2() { while (1) { t2 = t1 + 1; while( t2 >= t1 && ( t1 > 0 ) ) {}; x = 1; assert(x >= 1); t2 = 0; } }
The two assertions instrument the mutual exclusion property. We first attempt to prove the assertions using monolithic verification:
./cream --threads thr1:thr2 --algorithm:monolithic bakery.simple.c
Very likely the monolithic verification will get stuck during abstract reachability. We can then try rely-guarantee reasoning:
./cream --threads thr1:thr2 --algorithm:rely-guarantee bakery.simple.cBelow is shown a part of the command output:
== Iteration 28 =================================== Predicates: P[1]: #15: t2-t1=< -1, x=<0, t2>=0, t1>=1, t1-t2=< -1, t2=<0, t1=<1, t1>=0, t1-t2=<0, t1=<0, t2>=1, t1>=2, t1-t2>=2, t1-t2=<1, x>=1 P[2]: #11: t1-t2=< -1, x>=1, t1=<0, t1-t2>=1, t1>=2, t2>=0, t1>=1, t1>=0, t2>=1, t1-t2>=0, t1-t2=<1 P[1->2]: #18: t1'-t2'>=1, t1'-t2'=< -1, t1-t2+t1'>=1, t2-t1'=< -1, t1=<0, t1-t2>=0, x-x'=<0, t2-t2'=<0, t2=<0, t1'-t2'>=0, t1-t2-t1'+t2'=<0, x=<0, t1'>=1, t1>=1, t1'=<0, t1-t2=< -1, t1'-t2'=<1, x'>=1 P[2->1]: #20: t1=<0, t1'-t2'=< -1, t1-t2>=1, t1-t2=<0, t1-t2=< -1, t1>=2, t1'=<0, t2-t2'>=0, t1-t2>=0, t1'-t2' >=1, x-x'>=0, t1-t1'=<0, t1'>=1, t1-t2'=< -1, t2-t2'=<0, t1-t1'+t2'=<0, t1-t2=<1, t1'-t2'=<1, x'>=1, x>=1 Abstract reachability computation... Abstract reachability computation completed in 266 msec. ================================================== Program is correct. ================================================== Verifying fixpoint...done. Proof wrote in dot format to file: Time on total : run 2.58, wall 4.47 s. Time on result checking : run 0.19, wall 0.19 s. Time on total including result checking: run 2.77, wall 4.66 s.
An archive file that contains:
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